I don’t know about you, but I had been anxiously awaiting Content Marketing Institute’s (CMI) Nonprofit Content Marketing 2016: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America report. Thankfully, it was released on November 4th.
Each year, CMI conducts a content marketing survey during July and August. The Nonprofit Content Marketing 2016 report was generated from the segment of survey participants who said they were nonprofit marketers in North America. Of the 404 nonprofit marketers surveyed, 307 replied, “yes” when asked if their organization uses content marketing.
Based on the key findings in the report, more nonprofit marketers are leveraging content marketing this year (76%) than last year (61%). They're using more content marketing tactics and more social media platforms. And in general, nonprofit marketers are becoming more effective in their use of content marketing tactics as their experience levels increase.
We took the liberty of pulling a few key nonprofit content marketing stats from the 2016 report to create this infographic. See the full 33-page report for further details.
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